Peter Gibbard
Senior Director and Head of Renewable Energy
Peter is a Senior Director and Head of Renewable Energy at Ardent, with over 15 years’ experience working on nationally significant infrastructure projects. A Chartered Surveyor, predominantly working on linear DCO schemes, he has advised clients on over 15 Development Consent Orders and 12 Transport and Works Act Orders.
Peter’s range of experience includes acting as the property expert at 7 DCO examinations and he has had a significant involvement in a large number of Ardent’s 75+ DCO applications to date. Most recently Peter has been leading the Renewable Energy sector for Ardent and has predominantly acted for renewable energy developers over the last 10 years, including the Triton Knoll Electrical System and Vattenfall’s Norfolk offshore wind farm projects. Based in Milton Keynes, Peter is centrally located for leading across a wide portfolio of renewable technologies. He has experience across offshore wind, onshore wind, solar, energy from waste and nuclear projects.